Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I Hate Fruitcake

I went scrounging for food in my office kitchen and discovered something that may or may not be real fruitcake.

I know I don't like real fruitcake, but these quotation marks indicate that this could be the fake kind. [I take a bite.] Nope, it appears to be real. I can't even swallow a small bite of this stuff. Ugh.

OK, what else is in here? Ooh, leftover goat cheese and crackers from our office party! Now you're talking!

Merry Chrismahanukwanzakah, readers! May your holidays be delicious and fruitcake-free.


Jess said...

I'm about ready to go get some of that goat cheese myself...

And I agree, that "fruitcake" was foul.

Becky said...

I'll meet you in the kitchen then!

Christa said...

Stopping by from JD at I Do Things blog...

If you really hate fruitcake, stop by my blog and vote in my poll. I have an option about what you can do with fruitcake that might tickle your funny bone.

Merry Chrismahanukwanzakah or....Merry Christamas!

Christa at Giggle On

Becky said...

Yes, I would like to shoot it from a cannon. Thanks for stopping by!

JD at I Do Things said...

I don't care if it's real, "real," or fake, I'm not eating fruitcake. You can pass me some of that goatcheese, tho.

JD at I Do Things

Anonymous said...

Food Product From Hell!

Becky said...

Hahahah, I love that you have an entire page devoted to how evil it is.