Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Adorable Baby Giraffes, Bad Punctuation

The reporter who wrote this article must have been so excited about seeing a baby giraffe that s/he forgot how to use proper punctuation. Check out the apostrophe catastrophe at the end of the first sentence.

Thanks to Ashlie, who sent me this screenshot, The State corrected the error on its web site, but it still makes the blog anyway because I'm evil like that. Looks like someone named Sid noticed the mistake, too.

If you want to see photos of baby giraffes and other adorable baby animals, check out ZooBorns. The cuteness is overwhelming.


Anonymous said...

Your evilness is good ;-) How else will they learn; they're not getting grammar in school :-)

Quadders said...

I am the owner of this company and I am sorry this card got out, this card was a draft and was suppose to have stayed within quadders walls.

we also have a new number:
0800 074 3061.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. Mr./Ms. Quadders should have his/her press agent write all responses!

Within one (run-on) sentence, he/she gave two new errors:

I am the owner of this company and I am sorry this card got out, [comma splice alert!] this card was a draft and was suppose [-ed alert!] to have stayed within quadders walls.

Pee-pull!!! Hire a proofreader if you're venturing out in public without an English degree!